
The Rovers program is tailored for young adults ready to take on greater challenges and responsibilities. As Rovers, members engage in advanced outdoor adventures, leadership training, and community service projects, all designed to foster personal growth and societal contribution. This program empowers young adults to develop their skills, expand their horizons, and prepare for future leadership roles.

As young adults, Rovers are very sociable and highly dynamic, exploring options for the future. The Rover programme caters for this—they are able to shape and plan their activities and progress according to their own needs. Strong emphasis is placed on social interactions with friends—both within the Rover crews and on a national and international basis—and service to both the Scout Movement and the community.

The Rover Motto


The Rover Promise

On my honour I promise that I will do my best:
to do my duty to God and to my country;
to help other people; and
to live by the Rover Law.

The Rover Law

1. A Rover is to be trusted.

2. A Rover is loyal.

3. A Rover is friendly and considerate.

4. A Rover is thrifty.

5. A Rover serves others.

6. A Rover is courteous.

7. A Rover is a friend to the environment.

8. A Rover is respectful and responsible.

9. A Rover smiles under all difficulties.

10. A Rover is clean in thought, word and deed.

Rover_Handbook_the_rover_trail_Nam - Copy.pdf
Rover Symbolic Framework SoN.pdf