Scouts of Namibia


Our Mission:

To elevate Scouting in Namibia to be a diverse, inclusive and cohesive movement of responsible and conscientious youth who are making meaningful changes in their lives, in their communities, and in the world they live in.

 Scouts of Namibia is based on three Principles:

The Three Principles of the Scout Movement: Duty to Self, Duty to God, Duty to Others.

Duty to Self

Responsibility for the development of oneself

Duty to God

Adherence to spiritual principles, loyalty to the religion that expresses them and acceptance of the duties resulting therefrom

Duty to Others

Participation in the development of society with recognition of and respect for the dignity of one’s fellow man and the integrity of the natural world

The impact of Scouting

Scouts are more confident, active, and engaged young people, and Scouting prepares them with skills to succeed in life.

GENDER Equality in Scouting

Scouting membership is open to everyone regardless of race, religion, nationality, or gender.

Women in Scouting. 14 Million: the number of women and girls in the Scout Movement. In recent years, more girls than boys have joined Scouting. Namibia has the largest percentage of women and girls in Scouting. Women and girls are the majority in the Eurasia Scout region with 52%.

2023 World Scouting Recap

Our Partners

Scouts of Namibia

Brand Promise

“Creating a Better World”